Marketing Mentor Blog

The Marketing Mix

Read, watch and listen to the latest insights from Marketing Mentor & friends

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[Podcast] Experienced Newbie #4 - Entering the ...

Episode #319 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast: another "experienced newbie" tries something new "on the side" and on the 1 year anniversary of Maryland-based, Brand Joint, has a lot to show...

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Two Fave Speakers from #HOWLive 2017

I'm almost back to normal following this year's amazing HOW Design Live in Chicago. It was 5 days of non stop networking and learning -- my 2 favorite things to...

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[Video] Mike Rohde for HOW Design Live@SCAD, Se...

  On April 28, I welcomed Mike Rohde, veteran print designer and the author of two bestselling books, The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook, for this year's 3rd HOW Design Live @...

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How A Niche Evolves (hint: slowly)

If there's one thing I know from personal experience, it's that having a niche (a.k.a. target market, specialty or focus) is one of the surest ways to justify higher fees,...

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[Podcast] Experienced Newbie #3 – Building Your...

On Episode #318 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, I spoke again with Lisa Mullis of Paraphrase Communications, who is on her journey of mid-career reinvention. In this conversation, she shares details...

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#HOWLive 2017 in a picture

HOW Design Live was amazing this year. This about sums it up! Next year we'll be in Boston, April 30 -- May 4, 2018. Save the date! 

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Last Day for Early Bird Pricing: Summit on Cont...

Monday, May 8 is the last day to get early bird pricing for the Summit on Content Marketing, which will be held May 22 -- June 2, 2017.  Wait? What...

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Clients: What to do once they say yes.

  I’m interested in working with you. Oh boy. I remember when I was new to freelance, this statement would make me feel excited and terrified. I was excited to...

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Tweets from Get Better Clients Bootcamp at #HOW...

"We live in a 140 character culture."  Debbie Millman kicked off the Get Better Clients Bootcamp yesterday with that statement in her session about "Cultivating the Right Mindset" to "win"...

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My newsletter saved the day

Is doing a newsletter really worth it? This is question I get a lot. The answer is undeniably, unequivocally YES. Here is yet another reason. You might recall a few...

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6 Tips to Build (or Reboot) Your  Email List

This is the next in our still relatively new series called Experienced Newbies, by and about creative professionals who are making mid-career transitions and building a new career on the foundation of their past...

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[Podcast] On Making It Easier to Toot Your Own ...

On Episode #317 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, author and marketing professor, Michael Solomon, shares his tips about how to make it easier to toot your own horn by being objective...

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3 Reasons You Don't Have a Contract

In my recent podcast interview with Caitlin Pearce of Freelancers Union, we outlined 3 of the reasons why creative freelancers don't use a contract when engaging a client. You don't have...

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How to Get On James Sommerville's Watch List

Last month, we held the 2nd HOW Design Live @ SCAD (Season 2) interview with HOW Design Live 2017 speaker, James Sommerville, who started as a pavement artist in the U.K.,...

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[Podcast] New Standard Contract for Freelancers...

On Episode #316 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, Ilise Benun chats with Caitlin Pearce of Freelancers Union (join for free if you aren’t already a member) about the new, free...

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My project was dragging on forever…

One of my projects was dragging on. The client was agonizing over her direction. Time kept passing. Phone calls would get rescheduled. Her edits were swaying drastically from the original...

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Ready to Learn All About Content Marketing?

If you've been hearing about content marketing for a while now and trying to fit it into your marketing process, then it's time to focus on it and learn from...

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101 Online Courses + 76 Best Business Books + 7...

I do love a round up of resources and some of my favorite experts have posted round ups lately. So here's a little round up of their round ups: 7...

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Watch Live This Thursday at 6 PM: Pum Lefebure ...

This Thursday, I am honored to be interviewing Design Army co-founder and chief creative officer, Pum Lefebure, live in Savannah at the SCAD Museum of Art for Episode 2, Season...

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It’s not too late to say “Happy New...

Yesterday I got this Happy New Year postcard from Elements Design wishing me a year of growth and success. On Friday, I got this “new year” email message about 2017 trends from one...

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Black Friday Bundle is Ready!

It’s that time again —  the 2016 Black Friday Bundle is ready! And today only, I’m offering the best price of the weekend. So if you know you want it,...

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Should your website have pop-ups?

We’ve arrived at Step #6 (as defined in my free report): Choose your Call to Action. When it comes to CTAs, the goal is simplicity. Here’s why… Have you ever...

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[Webinar] 3 Easy Steps to Price Your Creative P...

One of the most stressful elements of running a creative business is determining how much to charge. While you want your prices to be competitive enough to attract new clients,...

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Should you always negotiate?

It has recently dawned on me that a lot of people out there, creative ones especially, think there’s something wrong with negotiating. That if you negotiate, if you don’t “stand your...

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Revolve Podcast #2: Qualifying Your Prospects w...

Podcast interview with Revolve speaker, Ahava Leibtag of Aha Media For this 2nd episode in my special Revolve Conference series on the, I welcome Ahava Leibtag, owner of Aha Media Group, a content...

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The Harvard Business Review on Freelancing?

Wow, freelancing has come a long way! I was amazed to see this article, How to Become a Successful Freelancer, by Amy Gallo featured on the Harvard Business Review web site. It’s part...

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Why your clients won’t pay what you’re “worth”

I admit, I’m not the greatest client. For example, if my PPT deck needs a new look and feel (which it did! See the new one on the right —...

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Getting referrals? Don’t do this…

Lately I’ve been getting some great clients via referral. In the past few months, 5 new clients (qualified with budgets!) came my way via 5 different connections. Sounds awesome, right? While...

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Is Word of Mouth the Best Marketing Tool?

It’s been a long time coming but I finally wrote a rant about word of mouth. So many people glorify it — maybe you too? You think it’s the best marketing tool...

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Creative Introverts: Go to Summer Camp in August

Cat Neligan of the League of Creative Introverts and Get Your Art Out Summer Camp Here’s a guest post from Cat Neligan, a web designer in England who invited me...

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B2B Copywriters: Learn from the Masters in August

If you are a copywriter working in — or considering — the B2B market, check out this new online training. I’m one of 8 teachers, along with Bob Bly, Ed Gandia,...

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“Your Self Promotion is Not About You&#82...

I know it sounds like a contradiction, but trust me when I say that effective marketing isn’t about you. It’s about them — your ideal clients. Here’s what I mean...

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Is your website retina ready?

Whether you’re creating a website for a client, or you want your own portfolio to show your work in the best light, you need to know about Retina Displays. Your...

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[Podcast] #295 Value-Based Bartering with Micha...

A spread from the book by Michael e. Stern of Here’s #7 in a series of chatty (but meaty) conversations between me and time lapse filmmaker, Michael e. Stern of...

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Why you should never listen to the inner critic

Last week, I held my annual “birthday sale” in the Marketing Mentor Shop–but I almost didn’t do it. As I was writing the email message announcing the sale, I heard...

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Revolve Podcast #1: Digital Marketing with Rive...

Here’s something new: the first installment of the “Revolve Conference Speaker Podcast Series.” In this episode, I interview Rivers Pearce, Director of Marketing at Boomtown, who will be speaking on Marketing Technology for Agencies &...

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The quickest “yes” ever…

I’ve spoken to clients before who seemed like they’d done their research, read my website thoroughly, and knew they were going to hire me before we even got on the...

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How not to stalk your best prospects

Photo courtesy Shutterstock (Image ID:226765558) I just gave a brand new presentation for Digital Olympus, a free online event. (You can download the PPT at and/or watch the video here and all...

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Have you ever written down your process?

So far this year, I’ve been putting my foot down and maximizing efficiency. I’ve stopped working with templates and only work on custom design (here’s why). I’ve also ramped-up the...

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Using LinkedIn Pulse as Your Blog — Conte...

I wrote last month about “finding your people” and to do that, you have to go where they go, to be where they are. Online that’s likely to be on LinkedIn, essentially...

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Can I change old habits?

I’ve always been the kind of person who waits until I have no clean clothes to do laundry…who waits until I can’t see my table anymore to clean my house…who...

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June 21: Free Online Digital Marketing Conference

Digital Marketing — what the heck is it? That was a question I asked David Bain, host of Digital Marketing Radio, when I interviewed him for my podcast recently. And...

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The real reason you can’t finish your own...

Why is it so hard for creative professionals to get their own web site done? That’s a rhetorical question, actually, because I do have a few ideas about why this is...

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6 Tips for Finding New Business When You’re a N...

Photographed by Thomas | © 2016 TK Photography | By Lidia Varesco Racoma of Lidia Varesco Design Finding new business as a new (or even not-so-new) mom is not easy....

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Recap of Recaps of #HOWLive

HOW Design Live 2016 in Atlanta was an amazing time — one of the strongest programs ever! — and lots of attendees do recaps of their favorite sessions. So I have attempted...

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Magic #HOWLive 2016 Moments — Part 1

I’m back from HOW Design Live in Atlanta and here are some of the highlights: “#HOWLive’s Amy Conover is the best! xoxo” After a year of behind the scenes planning, she...

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Magic #HOWLive Moments; Part 2

A few more of my favorite moments from #HOWLive 2016…(See Part 1 here) On the last day, Kirt Zimmer of The Creative Group and I did a Facebook Live interview...

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[Podcast] How to get projects that are perfect ...

Photo by Michael e. Stern Has this ever happened to you? You hear about a project and think to yourself, “That is perfect for me!” The only problem: the client...

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Sunday & Monday: Watch the HOW keynotes fo...

I’m not at #HOWLive this year—but I’m going to watch the keynotes Sunday and Monday, May 22nd and 23rd for free (and you can too)! I have to admit, I...

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{Video} #HOWLive via @CreativeLive Streaming Live

If you can’t be at #HOWLive this year in Atlanta, you can at least be there in spirit and watch the live stream of the keynotes on Sunday and Monday,...

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