Marketing Mentor Blog

The Marketing Mix

Read, watch and listen to the latest insights from Marketing Mentor & friends

Blog post
How to Handle Rejection with Ilise Benun

How to Handle Rejection with Ilise Benun

In this new Q&A style episode (#511) of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, you’ll learn what to do (and say) when a prospect “rejects” you, how to stay motivated to do...

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Blog post
How (and Why) to Lean Into Imperfection

How (and Why) to Lean Into Imperfection

As a creative freelancer or entrepreneur, embracing imperfections humanizes you - making you more desirable in this AI-saturated world.

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Blog post
Who to Reach Out to and How (+ AI Surprise!)

Who to Reach Out to and How (+ AI Surprise!)

Total tactics in today’s episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast. Ilise Benun answers common questions from the SMP+ Outreach Club including “how do I know if a prospect is right...

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Blog post
3 Hallmarks of an Effective Newsletter

3 Hallmarks of an Effective Newsletter

Treat these tips as a checklist each time you write an issue to keep readers engaged without overthinking it.

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Blog post
How to start a marketing newsletter (plus a few excellent examples)

How to start a marketing newsletter (plus a few...

If you know you should have a marketing newsletter but don't know where to start, this one's for you! A marketing newsletter is the most effective content marketing you can do as...

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Blog post
Why Every Creative Freelancer Should Have a Newsletter

Why Every Creative Freelancer Should Have a New...

Most potential clients won’t look through their calendar to find you in their moment of need. Instead, they’ll reach out to whoever they remember. Especially if they already know and...

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Blog post
How can you show up in Google searches?

How can you show up in Google searches?

Has a friend ever asked for a book recommendation, and you’re happy to give it — because you are an avid reader and have a lot of knowledge to pull...

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Blog post
How to scuff up your content with Gigi Rosenberg

How to scuff up your content with Gigi Rosenberg

If perfectionism is getting in your way, this episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is for you. Public speaking coach, Gigi Rosenberg, shares ideas about how to leave perfectionism behind...

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Blog post
Can you trust AI? Here's what I think...

Can you trust AI? Here's what I think...

Whether you're an AI skeptic or you just don't where to start when it comes to finding clients with AI, Episode 507 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is for you! It's an...

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Blog post
9 Ways to Get Your Content “Un-Stuck” with AI

9 Ways to Get Your Content “Un-Stuck” with AI

If you’re not creating your own content because you “don’t know what to write about”... Should you consider getting AI to write it? My recent LinkedIn Poll about using AI...

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Blog post
Does Your Content Sound Like You?

Does Your Content Sound Like You?

One of the best ways to attract high-quality clients is to create content that speaks to their needs, in language they understand. That can mean adopting certain industry terms you...

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Blog post
Craft Top Notch Client Marketing Personas with AI – for Free!

Craft Top Notch Client Marketing Personas with ...

When we target our audience, it’s all about connecting with them. We want them to feel seen, known, and comfortable doing business together. One of the best ways to do...

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Blog post
How to be "you" in your content marketing

How to be "you" in your content marketing

Episode #505 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is a sneak peek into the monthly “Office Party” for the Simplest Marketing Plan, where I shared a new definition of content marketing and...

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Blog post
4 Ways to Embrace Being “Lost” in Marketing - Tips for Freelance Creatives

4 Ways to Embrace Being “Lost” in Marketing - T...

I was traveling in France and Spain last month and, of course, the day I got lost in Paris was the same day my phone service went down. Suddenly, as...

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Blog post
Tips for Better Meetings with Linda Secondari

Tips for Better Meetings with Linda Secondari

More meeting magic! In the latest episode of the Marketing Mentor podcast, Meeting Maven, Linda Secondari of Studiolo Secondari, shares the 3 types of meetings, a few alternatives to meetings that...

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Blog post
Here's what can happen when you pick a niche...

Here's what can happen when you pick a niche...

I'm so proud of Conrad Winter.  He's a copywriter who 5+ years ago chose a niche (transportation and logistics) and has been committed to it ever since -- so much so...

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Blog post
What to do if you have too many meetings

What to do if you have too many meetings

Overwhelmed by meetings? Sick of ‘getting stuck’ in meetings — emerging hours later and having your whole day derailed? If so, the latest episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is for...

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Blog post
Need Higher-Quality Clients? Try This AI Prompt...

Need Higher-Quality Clients? Try This AI Prompt...

To get an AI to find you clients that fit you, you have to tell it what you mean by quality.

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Blog post
Content Marketing about Mothers

The Mother of All Content Marketing

Eleven business owners use moms to inspire content marketing blog posts. Ilise Benun, the Marketing Mentor, challenged members of the Simplest Marketing Plan program to get creative with their marketing.

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Blog post
The Throughline in 3 Creative Careers with Loren Sherman

The Throughline in 3 Creative Careers with Lore...

How will you look back on what you’re doing in your business today? Will you be full of regret or grateful and satisfied? On the day he sold his 23-year-old contract...

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Blog post
Dealing with Bad Client Behaviors? Here’s What to Do…

Dealing with Bad Client Behaviors? Here’s What ...

Clients, like dogs, are creatures of habit. So whatever habits you establish - good and bad - become your reality.  So, yes, you can train some clients.  But some clients...

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Blog post
How to Hear What The Market is Telling You

How to Hear What The Market is Telling You

If you listen to the market, your ideal business will find you. And it’s through listening this way that you will get clarity on the kinds of clients you want...

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Blog post
AI IQ Quiz Answers - No Peeking!

AI IQ Quiz Answers - No Peeking!

Did you take my AI IQ Quiz to find out how much you know about AI? Check out the answers below to see which questions you got right...

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Blog post
Is "Word of Mouth" A Legit Marketing Method?

Is "Word of Mouth" A Legit Marketing Method?

Word of mouth feels like a legitimate marketing method - when it's working. And it’s nice to be busy without having to find clients. But if you want predictable income,...

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Blog post
One Creative Pro's Take on AI: Deborah Brozina

One Creative Pro's Take on AI: Deborah Brozina

For the 500th episode of the Marketing Mentor Podcast, we're kicking off a new series of conversations: One Creative Pro's Take on AI.  Yup! We're talking about AI – artificial...

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Blog post
Why Aren’t Clients Finding You?

Why Aren’t Clients Finding You?

Getting discovered by clients seems fantastic. Just make yourself look as attractive as possible, then sit back and wait! But unless you love the sound of crickets, there is a...

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Blog post
Thanks, Mom

Thanks, Mom

My mother couldn’t have known that the name she chose for me well before the dawn of Google would be one of my best online marketing tools. But it is....

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Blog post
Where are all the good clients?

Where are all the good clients?

If you’ve been wondering where all the good clients are hiding….'re not alone! Take this 3 minute survey and you've get an invitation to my live webinar, "Potential Clients...

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Blog post
Case Studies for Creative Professionals with Casey Hibbard

Case Studies for Creative Professionals with Ca...

One of the most effective but underutilized marketing tools for creative professionals is the case study. Casey Hibbard, who calls herself a success story specialist, shares her expertise. So if...

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Blog post
Mastering Client Retention: 5 Lessons Learned

Mastering Client Retention: 5 Lessons Learned

Here's another guest post by content writer, Sharlet Brennan, who is a member of the Simplest Marketing Program. She just signed 3 clients and even though she's super busy, she took time to...

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Blog post
How Do You Manage Expectations When Doing Client Outreach?

How Do You Manage Expectations When Doing Clien...

Most creative freelancers have unrealistic expectations about what will happen when they reach out to potential clients. They are so focused on what they want, without even knowing it. Try...

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Blog post
marketing strategies for creative professionals

Ilise Benun's Content Marketing Strategies for ...

Elevate your brand with effective content marketing strategies for self-marketing, authority, and credibility. Read about Ilise Benun's Simplest Marketing Plan as she shares her secrets on the Businessology podcast show. Explore more on...

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Blog post
how to handle scope creep

6 Tips to Handle Scope Creep (from my dog, Fanny)

If you struggle with scope creep, this solo episode is for you. Today, thanks to my dog, Fanny, I bring you 6 of my tips to handle scope creep, plus...

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Blog post
Can I get clients using LinkedIn

Should You Use LinkedIn Premium's AI Writing As...

Using LinkedIn Premium AI Writing Assistant and other AI tools can help you get started composing messages for client outreach. Here's what you need to know.

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Blog post
LinkedIn Creator Mode Updates

LinkedIn Creator Mode Updates and How They Affe...

LinkedIn is making changes to its Creator Mode. Here's my take on the new LinkedIn updates and how they affect creatives.

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Blog post
Exploring LinkedIn Changes 2024: Expert Tips

Exploring LinkedIn Changes 2024: Expert Tips

Explore the latest updates on LinkedIn, such as the elimination of Creator Mode, the significance of connection options, profile layout modifications, and the advantages of LinkedIn Premium.

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Blog post
How will AI affect your LinkedIn Newsletter? with Michael Katz

How will AI affect your LinkedIn Newsletter? wi...

How will AI affect your email newsletter? That's just one of the questions we answered in Episode #495 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast with Michael Katz. We talked about which skills creative...

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Blog post
You Deserve Green Flag Clients

You Deserve Green Flag Clients

I don’t know if it’s because I’m 17 years into this, or because I’m less tolerant of crap, but I can tell you right now: I only work with good...

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Blog post
Can AI Help You Find Clients

How to Get an AI to Find Clients for You

Watch this clip to discover my new favorite AI tool, with a trick to make it find your “ideal client” prospects for you.

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Blog post
how to trust others

Who to Trust When You’re Self Employed with Jen...

Who do you trust when you’re in business for yourself? How do you know whom to trust? Not to mention trusting the market – but how exactly? That was the...

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Blog post
how to motivate yourself when you aren't feeling motivated

What to Do When You Don’t “Feel” Like It

Wins are easy to come by when you’re motivated. But motivation can be fickle. That’s why now is the perfect time to develop something stronger than motivation... habit.

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Blog post
 Antidote to Impostor Syndrome with Ben Callahan

One Antidote to Impostor Syndrome with Ben Call...

If you’re looking for an antidote to impostor syndrome, Episode 493 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is for you. I talked with Ben Callahan about a new way to think...

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Blog post
Linkedin post ideas

Borrow These Easy LinkedIn Post Ideas

You can do a lot on LinkedIn without ever posting anything. But once you’ve got commenting under your belt, it’s time to take your LinkedIn game up a notch… By...

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Blog post
how to stop underpricing your work

The Price of Price Blurting with Ilise Benun

Have you ever blurted out a price and then instantly regretted it? Or agreed to a deadline you knew in your heart wasn’t realistic? Or worse, volunteered to deliver a...

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Blog post
My 3 Favorite Books in 2023

My 3 Favorite Books in 2023

Here's a list of the 100 best books of 2023, according to 1,471 authors (including me!), plus my 3 favorites and the 5 best business books I recommend for creative professionals. This one is...

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Blog post
Ceviche + Marketing: A Love Story for 2024

Ceviche + Marketing: A Love Story for 2024

I want you to love marketing the way I love ceviche – especially if you decided at some point that you didn’t like it because you didn't know what it...

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Blog post
My Journey to Entrepreneurship with Jake Benun

My Journey to Entrepreneurship with Jake Benun

To wrap up 2023, I'm sharing Episode 16 of Humanizing Success, the podcast of my young nephew, Jake Benun, who is trying to figure out what to do with his...

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Blog post
2023 by the numbers

2023 by the numbers

Do you know when someone trips and takes an elaborate fall, but does a little bit of spinning and flailing and catching themselves before they hit the ground? The past...

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Blog post
How does Google see your website

Get a glimpse into how Google sees you…

JillHave a great-looking website? Wonderful. Now let’s make it SEO-friendly — because that matters just as much. An impressive, important, and FREE tool I recommend to my clients is Google...

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Blog post
Ending The Year Strong - With Generosity

Ending The Year Strong - With Generosity

If you’re looking for some quick ways to end the year strong, I’ve got a few ideas for you to try today. The first one is, "You Reply, I Donate."

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