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New! Watch “Ink Insights” with Antonio Meza
Watch as visual storyteller, Antonio Meza, walks us through his cartoon version of our last Office Hours session on Strategic Networking - and glean a few of the networking tips...

How to Connect with Better Conversations
How do you have a really good conversation and connect with someone new? It’s about listening, of course, but it’s also something else...

No Ducks Necessary!
Are you still trying to get all of your “ducks in a row” before connecting with potential clients? Try this instead...

Networking on the water
If you want to see the difference between what happens when you're that "cringe-worthy" guy at a networking event and when you just go and be yourself, this guest blog...

To Pitch or Not to Pitch?
Once you make a new connection, how and when should you pitch your services to them? Short answer: Never! Here's what to do instead...

Talking Networking with Beth Granger
Episode #472 of the Marketing Mentor Podcast is the audio from our second LinkedIn Livestream: another short but meaty chat with online networking expert and speaker, Beth Granger. Lots of great...

Don't Worry - You're Not "That Guy"
Often, creatives don’t like networking because they don't want to come off as pushy. But networking isn’t about selling yourself or your services. It’s not even about landing new clients!...

Talking Networking with Terri Trespicio
Q2 is all about Strategic Networking and we kicked off our new series of LinkedIn Livestreams with a short and meaty chat with one of my favorite people, Terri Trespicio. The "room"...

Fall in Love with Networking!
If you avoid networking because you're a total introvert… you're afraid of being judged… or you don’t like being “seen”... watch this short video conversation where I'll address all of...

I used to be afraid of people
Yes, it’s true. I used to be afraid of people but 35 years of running my own business has changed all that. At the April Office Hours for the Simplest...
[Video] Beyond the Basics of LinkedIn
Thanks to the one and only Melanie "The Marketer" Deardorff, who shared some excellent "pro tips" about LinkedIn at the recent Office Hours group coaching session (part of the Simplest...
20 Strategic Networking Steps for Your Next Bus...
Here's an article by Allen Kratz, Principal of Resilience Works, a climate consulting firm, who is following the Simplest Marketing Plan and sharing what he's learning about strategic networking. (Scroll down...
Networking follow up: what to say! [QTMM 10/2/19]
So you're following the Simplest Marketing Plan, doing your "strategic networking" (meeting "your people" in person) and you have indeed met some promising people. You even managed to collect their...
When you add someone to your email list, say th...
Heads up, this is a bit of a rant. (If you prefer, listen to it here.) I need to get something off my chest. I know I've been harping on...
How not to stalk your best prospects
Photo courtesy Shutterstock (Image ID:226765558) I just gave a brand new presentation for Digital Olympus, a free online event. (You can download the PPT at and/or watch the video here and all...
5 Valuable Marketing Tips That Will Make You A ...
When I ask people what marketing tools they use, so many say, “word of mouth,” which makes my blood boil (ok, that may be a little dramatic!) because word of...
Who are “your people?” 3 Ways to Tell – QTMM
I think I’m getting more preachy as I “mature” (watch for my birthday sale in the Marketing Mentor Shop in June, BTW), but I hear myself saying this to almost all my...