Marketing Mentor Blog

The Marketing Mix

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Podcast: What do art buyers really care about?

Recently I interviewed Scott Hull, an agent for illustrators who, when you ask what he does, says he, “links creativity to the corporate world." We talked a lot about how...

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Blog post

Interview with the illustration “king” of self-...

Daniel Pelavin is entering his 5th decade as a typographic designer and illustrator. I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Graphic Artists Guild’s Reboot, Retool, Refuel conference. He was pointed...

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Blog post

How has your business evolved?

I did a lot of research for my new article on the evolution of a creative business, “From Start to Smart,” (coming out in the September edition of HOW), and...

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Blog post

How has the recession affected hourly billing r...

Our friend, Cameron Foote, from Creative Business, is doing a billing rate survey. If you have a few minutes, please share your input. Here are the details: How has the...

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Blog post

QR Codes: What the Heck Are They?

We’re away at CFC. Follow the action as it happens with Twitter hash tag #CFConf. Yesterday I asked if your newsletter makes sense to your audience. Here is another great...

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Blog post

Better at “creative” than “pro”?

We’re away at CFC. Follow the action as it happens with Twitter hash tag #CFConf. is an excellent resource where “creatives go to know.” They recently reviewed our Pricing...

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How excited should you be about your market?

Now that most of my clients have chosen target markets, things are starting to happen. Some of them are thrilled to have finally found a market that is responding positively....

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How to manage projects, virtual teams AND still...

In yesterday's Part 1, Justine shared advice on finding the right team and creating a project blueprint. Now, here's part 2: 3) Relinquish some controlI know this is hard, but...

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Blog post

How to manage projects, virtual teams AND still...

There are many reasons for creative talent to take the plunge and go out on their own, and from my experience of managing freelance talent – creative freedom ranks high...

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Blog post

How one illustrator is getting business on Link...

I just did an interview with talented illustrator, Tim Read, about the marketing tools that are working for his business. He shares: • Exactly how he uses social media • How he’s...

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Blog post

Holiday blessings come without tires

Hi, I'm Deidre. In my posts, I talk about my voyage down the road of self-employment as a website copywriter, my achievements and roadblocks along the way, and what I’m learning as...

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Blog post

Some things never change: relationships

There’s a lot of talk about how marketing is changing, especially with all the new marketing tools available. It’s true. The avenues of marketing are in flux. But the one...

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Time offline = More time?

In a January 2010 Marketing Mix blog post, Peleg Top wrote about having Intentions instead of “making resolutions.” It sounded like a good idea, so I set myself a handful...

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Which RFPs should you pursue?

When an RFP comes along, how should you decide whether or not to pursue it? Rather than relying on any subjective feelings you have about an RFP opportunity, it’s a...

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Blog post

How I got 3 jobs from a boring newsletter

Hi, I'm Deidre. In my posts, I talk about my voyage down the road of self-employment as a website copywriter, my achievements and roadblocks along the way, and what I’m learning as...

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Join us on Facebook and Twitter

We admit it. Social media is a great way to interact, share, and get feedback. It’s even a little bit fun! It’s nearly 2011 – but we are finally coming...

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Blog post

How to avoid being a bad KISSer

In our quest to KISS, you know "Keep it simple, stupid." do you think it's possible to keep it too simple? In one of my recent email blasts, "Beware the...

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Blog post

How much is a car?

Laurel sent this in as a response to Deidre’s post about the numbers guessing game, and we simply had to share. The Money Conversation is always a dance, isn’t it?...

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Growing Your Business with Marketing, Week 7: S...

This is Week Seven of a 52-week project/experiment in DIY marketing. Armed with nothing but a copy of the 2009 Grow Your Business Marketing Plan + Calendar and my bare...

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Guest Post: Land with a bigger thud

Today we are introducing our first series of guest posts from Jennifer Neal, of K9 Design in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Jennifer and I have been working together through the Marketing...

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Blog post

Mixmasters Elsewhere: Colleen on getting your 1...

Unlike designer and Marketing Mentor friend Jeff Fisher, I am not a big self-promoter. Or, to be precise, I am not very comfortable tooting my own horn. (I blame it...

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The communicatrix’s top 12 tips for creat...

Every time I sign up for a new newsletter, I cross my fingers and hope. And almost invariably, I am disappointed. It’s very hard, apparently, to get a newsletter right,...

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Blog post

Call for outside passions

Sheree Clark of Sayles Graphic Design is doing a presentation at the HOW Design Conference in Atlanta in June.  It’s called “Inspired by our Passions: The Pursuit of an Enriched...

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Marketing 101: Is your email address on everyth...

Of course, we all have our email addresses on our business cards and our business websites. But often enough that it shocks me, people still neglect to include email contact...

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Blog post

Super-cheap self-promotion: get your own email ...

Yes, gmail and Yahoo! are free (and great). Yes, you get 100+ free addresses with your ISP account. Do yourself a favor and if you haven’t already, get yourself an...

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