Does email marketing work?
You bet it does!
My email newsletter, Quick Tips from Marketing Mentor, is, by far, my most effective marketing tool.
It's the way I use generosity as marketing tool to share ideas and "excellent examples," which simultaneously keeps my visibility high so my best clients and prospects (maybe that's you) don't forget about me!
Every time I send out my email newsletter, I get "newsletter magic" -- people responding who are ready to work with me because they've been marinating in my content marketing
(i.e. my newsletter and more)!
That's how I know for sure it works.
And that's why it's one of the 3 tools I recommend in my Simplest Marketing Plan.
Still, I know there are a lot of myths to debunk before you can successfully integrate email newsletters into your "marketing machine."
One popular myth has to do with how long it takes -- to produce and to take effect.
For some reason, many people underestimate what’s involved in producing an email newsletter and therefore never do it consistently.
I wanted to shed some light on the reality of what's involved in creating an email newsletter and dispel some of these myths. So I invited my client, Sarah Pike of FreeFall Laser, to be my guest on the podcast.
Sarah started sending out her email newsletter, Adventures in Laser Cutting, 4 years ago. It was slow at first.
But with time and practice, she has gotten into a rhythm and learned how to do it more efficiently so that now it takes only 48 hours from start to finish! (Find the most recent issues here.)
Here are some of the questions I asked Sarah in our conversation:
- Do you remember how you thought about email newsletters at the beginning? Did you resist? If so, why?
- How has your process evolved over the years? And what makes it so efficient now?
- What suggestions do you have for people who haven't started yet? And what about for those who have started but can't get into a rhythm?
- Most important, is your email newsletter "working?" And if so, how do you know?
In this episode, Sarah shares not only her process but also the mindset that allows her to get over all the obstacles she and so many creatives face when doing their own self promotion.
Listen here (or below) and learn:
Want more?
- Find FreeFall Laser on Instagram
- Read the case study about how Sarah adapted best marketing practices to her unique creative business and transformed her marketing chores into exciting messaging that brings her ideal clients directly to her virtual door.
- Listen to the companion podcast (#406) about how to attract qualified prospects with content marketing
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