Should you or shouldn't you? [QTMM 8/30/17]

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Should you blog, give free advice, follow your heart and pick a niche?

Don't you hate "shoulds?"

I know I do. That's why I'm self employed -- so I get to decide (often with good guidance) what I should or shouldn't do. 

Many creative professionals come to me with "shoulds" they've heard here and there. Do also you think you "should" be blogging or tweeting or creating a "funnel" (whatever that is)?

My job is to say "Wait, why?"

And to make sure that instead of following the herd, you do what's best for you and your market.

So I've written a trio of blog posts about the 3 "shoulds" I see people just like you struggling with the most:  

1. Should you give free advice? 

2. Should you follow your heart (or your "passion)? Really?

3. Should you pick a niche? (You know my answer to that one -- but here's why!) And how excited should you be about it? 

When I sent this out as a Quick Tip last month, it hit home with a few people, including Erin Mauterer. Here's what she wrote: 

Last week's email about BLOG, FREE ADVICE and FOLLOW YOUR HEART hit the mark with me, most of the highlights you addressed I've recently MADE HAPPEN. And you're right, it's a great, true-to-ME feeling. 
Most importantly, was your answer to 'pick a niche.' There's been so much ambiguity about this all my professional life, that over time it had kept me from choosing one thing on which to really concentrate. I recently took the plunge, and I'm concentrating on promoting my one, best thing that I love to do above all else. Painting animals. All these years, I've done children's books and magazines, commissions and greeting cards, anything to do with art, animals and kids. It's been great, but I'm (finally) at the point to specialize, to optimize revenue on a consistent basis. Hence, I'm so excited about this, and getting your email the other day just reconfirmed that my decision is absolutely correct. Wish me luck! And keep those emails coming, I always enjoy your dialogue.


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