This is the big idea – my message – from the Get Better Clients Bootcamp, held in Chicago as part of the 2017 HOW Design Live:
You must make space for better clients by saying no to the wrong ones so you can train the right ones.
That's one of the things creative professionals (especially) need to understand.
I want to set a foundation by identifying 4 qualities I've noticed that successful creative professionals have.
The first one is self-respect.
Without it, you really will never find and be able to relate to the kinds of clients you want to relate to.
To me this is about understanding that you need clients, of course, but you don't need any one particular client.
You need to be able -- at any point - to walk away from the wrong clients and say, “This is not working. This is not right for me.”
You must also know exactly what you need and go looking for it -- that's marketing.
That's when you will find better.
You may not find exactly what you're looking for, but you will definitely find something better.
Watch the rest here to learn the other 3 qualities and see Debbie Millman on "Cultivating the Right Mindset."
And join me in New York on October 26 at PhotoPlus Expo for the next Get Better Clients Bootcamp.