I had to remind myself…

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I spent all last week toiling with a small project.

I felt like it was SO HARD.

But the real truth is: I was making it painful. I was allowing myself to not get it done…to be distracted. Switching back and forth between writing a word, and checking email. Writing a word, and making a cup of tea. Writing a word, and petting my dog.

And then feeling stressed because I hadn’t gotten anything accomplished.

Completely ridiculous!

Then on Sunday morning at 6AM, I set a timer, focused, and completed what I’d been lollygagging with all week.

I know that multitasking makes me unproductive and anxious. I know staying focused is a challenge for me at times. Lately it’s been getting worse. It’s why working smarter has been on my mind so much.

As I was seeking a way forward for 2018, I thought back to old blog posts I’d written. I remembered that I figured a lot of this stuff out years ago. Time has passed, but many of these realizations still hold true:

Yup. I already knew these things. I just needed to remind myself.

This year zapped my energy a little. Yet despite life’s ups and downs, I had a financially strong year. A good year in so many ways!

To replenish my energy, I’m going to be kind to myself. Instead of being hard on myself.

I think my brain is telling me I need a vacation.

And reminding me that I haven’t taken one all year. Not a real one, anyway—where I put an out-of-office on my email and permit myself not to do any work.

Yes indeed…I’m going to take a few weeks off, so I can enter 2018 recharged and ready to create my best year yet.

Is there something you already know the answer to—but need to remind yourself?

*Photo, Cannoli...my favorite distraction!

Hi, I’m Deidre. In my posts, I talk about my voyage down the road of self-employment as a web copywriter, my achievements and roadblocks along the way, and what I’m learning as I go (with Marketing Mentor as my guide). To keep in touch, sign up for my un-newsletter here and get my freebie download, 12 Sparks to Write Sizzling, Audience-Attracting Website Words.

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