Do You Think Like a Breadwinner?
That’s the question at the heart of the second bonus podcast in the HOW Design Live Podcast reboot -- just in time for HOW Design Live in Boston, May 22-24. Will you be there?
If so, you’ll hear one of my favorite authors, featured in this episode, Jennifer Barrett, Head of Content for Fidelity and financial journalist who wrote one of my favorite books, "Think Like a Breadwinner," in a Fireside Chat with Lisa Mullis, a designer and copywriter who’s been running her own business for many years.
In this episode, we laid the foundation for the Fireside Chat that Jenn and Lisa will have in real time at HOW Design live in Boston, on Monday May 23. They’ll share more secrets about how designers can earn more money, invest wisely and build lifelong wealth.
In the meantime, here are the baby steps you can take to begin or continue down the path toward taking better financial care of yourself.
- Jenn suggested living on less than you earn and then inching up the amount that you’re saving and investing so that your money works as hard as you do.
- Lisa suggested getting help at your local small business development center to learn the basics for any kind of entrepreneurship.
- And of course we all suggest reading Jenn’s book, “Think Like a Breadwinner.”
I loved this conversation with an intro by Amy Conover, Show Director of HOW Design Live, and I think you will too. So listen here (and below) and learn…then come to HOW Design Live in Boston, May 22-24, 2022 for more.
Want more?
To rev you up for HOW Design Live, listen to the first HOW Bonus podcast with Eleanor Handley on Presenting Yourself with Confidence.
More from Jenn on financial literacy, Do You Think Like a Breadwinner?
- And more from Jenn on How to Ask for More Money