Image quality or website speed: What matters more?

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Guest post by Jill Anderson:

Are your images too big and slowing your website down?

If you're using extra-large stock images, unformatted uploads from your iPhone, or you're not paying attention to image size at all, then they probably are.

I have to tell you: 

When it comes to websites, you might need to compromise on image size and quality … just a little bit! I promise, it won’t even be noticeable to the vast majority of your viewers. And it will be well worth it in the long run, because the size of your website will stay smaller (which means faster), and your visitors won’t get frustrated with slow-loading pages.

Because as we all know, a slow website is one that we don’t have time for!

Finding the right balance between image quality and size is absolutely necessary when it comes to websites, and if you’re just uploading full-size images, it’s going to slow your site down.

In my latest post, I share my tips for having a fast website, and talk about how to easily manage image sizes online. 

Read: How to optimize your WordPress website for page speed.


Hi, I’m Jill, a web designer/developer who partners with talented designers, copywriters, and agencies on their websites, and their client’s sites. I’m passionate about crafting beautiful and innovative WordPress websites focused on clear positioning and positive user experiences. See my work & get my free report, Get Your Website Done: 12 Actionable Steps for Designers.

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