Marketing Mentor Events Calendar
If you need Accountability and Community, here's where you'll find it.
These are all the Marketing Mentor events with Ilise Benun for the Simplest Marketing Plan), including SMP Office Hours, Virtual Co-Working sessions and the Outreach Club! (Details below and scroll down for the actual Google calendar with Zoom links for free events and sign up links for paid events.
(All events are shown in Eastern time and you can add this Google calendar to your own by clicking on the "plus" sign in the lower right hand corner.)
Here are the options:
- The Virtual Co-working ($). This is for you if you know what you need to do marketing-wise, but just can't carve out the time and need some accountability to get it done. The sessions are $25/each, unless you are working with me 1:1 or doing an Action Intensive or small coaching group. Pay here then just show up on the date of your choice: $25/each
The Outreach Club ($): This work session is for you if you are serious about keeping your pipeline full. You know what to do and you know you'll do it if you pay for it. This is like making an appointment with yourself to get it done. Meets weekly every Monday (11:30 AM - 1 PM ET) and Wednesday, 1-2:15 PM ET. The format is a work session sandwiched by short Q&A and sharing of lessons learned. It's not free but it's very affordable.
Pay here: $25/eachor $75/mo (for once a week for 4 and sometimes 5 sessions!)