I’m sick of back-and-forth emails

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Does this sound familiar?

Them: When can you talk?

You: I’m free at 2 PM tomorrow and 3 PM Thursday.


2 days later:

Them: Let’s do 3 PM Thursday.

You: Actually, that time slot filled up already.

You: I can do 11 AM tomorrow, can you?

You: No. How about Friday at 9?


UGH. Scheduling a phone call seems pretty simple, but sometimes it takes multiple emails and multiple days. I notice myself spending time on this and being distracted by it.

The reason I haven’t used calendar software is because I was afraid it was too impersonal. But recently I realized that while it might be impersonal, it’s easy, quick, and leaves more time for the personal touch on the actual phone call. So I decided to get over it and automate.

I looked into three types of calendar software and picked one. Read about which one I chose—and where I’m putting the links to my calendar—in my latest blog post:

Is an online scheduler impersonal?



Hi, I’m Jill, a web designer/developer who partners with talented designers, copywriters, and agencies on their websites, and their client’s sites. I’m passionate about crafting beautiful and innovative WordPress websites focused on clear positioning and positive user experiences. See my work & get my free report, Get Your Website Done: 12 Actionable Steps for Designers.

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