Sept. 6 Live Online Q&A for Nation1099 (no charge)
Topic: Negotiating Strategies for a Thriving Freelance Career
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Sept 29-30 in Cincinnati at IndieLAB for Writer's Digest
Workshop/Lab Topic: Know Your Worth: How to Approach Your Career with an Entrepreneurial Mindset
If you’re like most writers, you hate talking money. But to be a successful independent writer who is perceived as a professional, you must know what you’re worth, so you can set profitable rates and then communicate them with confidence. It’s not your fault – you’ve never been trained in any of this!
Ilise Benun, Founder of and author of The Creative Professional’s Guide to Money, will show you how to determine your value and then what to say to secure the best deal. In the hands-on part of this session, you will learn to use an estimating worksheet to price a sample project and then have a chance to see how other attendees priced the same project – always very enlightening! Takeaways include:
- · How to develop the right mindset and stop underpricing your services and talents
- · How to avoid “price blurting” and learn to love “the money conversation”
- · Overview of simplest pricing techniques, including one that practically eliminates the need to negotiate
- · The 7 small (but lethal) negotiating mistakes creative professionals make most often (and what to do instead)
It's a very interesting "design your own adventure" style program which enables you to customize an experience that meets your individual goals by mixing and matching sessions from three distinct tracks, including intensive LABs where you’ll dive deep into a specific challenge and leave with the tools you need to solve it. See who else is speaking. And it's very reasonably priced -- use my promo code (IBENUN18) for $50 off when you register here.
Hope to see you there...