Greetings from my laundroffice

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Very early into self-employment, I realized that I needed a separate space for work. I had been living in Ireland, working at the kitchen table, and just couldn’t seem to focus.

I learned there was something magical about having a door to close when you’re “at work”—and after you leave for the day closing it behind you until tomorrow.

So when I bought my new house, I knew I needed a separate workspace. There was a spare bedroom I planned to use as my office…but when I tried it, it felt so closed off. So guess what I did?

I put my desk inside the little room on the back of my kitchen—technically the utility room. The room is about 6 feet x 12 feet—and in that small space, it’s got a washer/dryer, a window, a door to the yard and some coat hooks. It’s pretty much an office, a laundry room and a mud room—all in one! But it’s separate; I even had a pocket door installed.

I sit right next to the window, and I can see out the door into the yard. And yes, my giant computer monitor is currently sitting on top of the dryer. It makes me laugh.

Why am I sharing this? Well, today’s post is brought to you by: It’s your business—do whatever the heck YOU want!


Whatever you want.

Want to work from your bed? Do it!

Want to work from 3AM – 8AM? Do it!

For whatever it’s worth, I give you permission to set up your space, and your schedule, however you want.

My doubts of whether my business is real have faded significantly over time. (11 years in, I know it’s real because the taxes I pay are VERY REAL.) My focus these days is on working smarter (this is what “working smarter” means to me). Working smart means being productive—and that’s easier for me to do from a space I enjoy.

Besides the bathroom, my laundroffice is the tiniest (and most cheerful!) space in my house. Yup. I run my business from a laundry room! And I love it. An added bonus: it smells like lavender dryer sheets in here.

*Photo: View from my laundroffice.

Hi, I’m Deidre. In my posts, I talk about my voyage down the road of self-employment as a web copywriter, my achievements and roadblocks along the way, and what I’m learning as I go (with Marketing Mentor as my guide). To keep in touch, sign up for my un-newsletter here and get my freebie download, 12 Sparks to Write Sizzling, Audience-Attracting Website Words.

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