When you're writing a case study about a project, I know it can be difficult to get actual results from your clients.
What’s almost certain, however, is that you won’t get them if you don’t ask.
Even then, some information (like sales data) may be confidential, or the client themselves may be struggling with how to measure change.
In some cases, the project is too recent for results to be measured.
In my new Case Study Bundle: 7 Steps to a Case Study That Closes the Deal, I show lots of examples of how designers and copywriters have creatively come up with ways to indicate the effect of their work, even when the client has no results to speak of.
The video above shows how Bright Umbrella shows results for their web design projects. And here’s an example of how Killer Infographics instituted a nice workaround, using language that acknowledges the expectation for results and provides preliminary indicators of success:
“It’s too soon to tell the impact of this campaign, but traffic to the website and reprint requests of the brochures are both beyond expectations.”
What qualifies as results?
If you're having trouble coming up with results, start first with your client’s goals for the project and how your work helped the client to achieve those goals. Also consider the following parameters as potential for measurement:
- Awareness
- Sales
- Profit margin
- Website traffic
- Social media engagement
- Sales inquiries
- Sign-ups
- Customer support calls
- Lowered costs
- Self-sufficiency
- Efficiency
This is just a taste of what you'll find in the new Case Study Bundle. The 156-page download is packed with solid tips and simple instructions to build your own, including:
- 7 simple steps and best practices for case studies that make your client say, “This is exactly who we need!”
- Bonus Article: How to close the deal (and what to say!)
- Simple 1-page Worksheet: Build Your Next Case Study
- PLUS 14 Excellent Examples of Actual Case Studies from generous creative professionals