I’ve never been big on resolutions.
But the start of the year is a great time to build momentum with “quick wins.”
By “quick win” I don’t necessarily mean landing a new client...
Because you can’t control when someone comes into their time of need.
To get a quick win, your efforts must focus on “engagement” – that means interacting with the actual people in the market.
Here are 3 easy ways to reach out within your network for quick wins:
- Make a list of who you haven’t been in touch with in a while and reach out to simply say “Happy New Year.” It’s not too late. And you don’t have to ask for anything.
- Reach out to anyone you know who’s in or close to LA and ask how they’re doing. There may be people in your network who are struggling right now and you can let them know that you’re thinking of them.
- Try a message like this:
“I made a New Year’s resolution to stay in touch with everyone I know in [area or field]. That means you! How are you? Any big goals for the year? Any projects I can help with?”
Try one or all three of the above and see what happens.
Any other ways you reach out for “quick wins”? Share here on LinkedIn!
Watch me talk about quick wins, building business friendships, and what you’re capable of this year in the “Best Bits” from our first SMP Office Hours of the year…
With special guest Terri Trespicio!
Then check out the amazing sketch of our session by the fabulous Antonio Meza:

And that’s all for today. Thanks for reading.