The Get Better Clients Bootcamp was such a hit at HOW Design Live in May that we're taking it on the road!
Next stop is PhotoPlus Expo on October 25, 2017 in New York. Details and registration here.
The theme of the event is "Make space for better clients by saying no to the wrong ones and training the right ones."
So you will learn what mindset you need to do this and what steps you need to take.
And you will learn it from me and my sister creatives:
- Debbie Millman
- Terri Trespicio
- Paula Rizzo
- Jamie Saunders
Here's what one attendee said:
I greatly enjoyed the Get Better Clients Bootcamp at HOW. Thank you for all your hard work on it. I walked away with a better understanding of how I can promote myself and even more importantly, the confidence to do so.
This version of the Bootcamp will be similar yet different. (I have a feeling that will be the case each time we present it.)
So if you're a photographer (or other creative professional because, let's face it, these ideas translate across disciplines), join us and learn how to...
Watch an excerpt from the Get Better Clients Bootcamp at HOW Design Live here: