Do you have an SSL certificate?

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Today’s post is more of a public service announcement.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to get an SSL certificate for your website.

Do not wait. The time is now.

Because if you don’t get an SSL certificate by the end of the year, your web viewers may begin to see warnings in certain browsers. And having a “not secure” warning does not give potential clients good vibes about your brand!

I know we all have a lot we want to accomplish before year-end, but this one is really important.  

Everything you need to know is in my latest blog post:
Get your SSL certificate NOW…


Hi, I’m Jill, a web designer/developer who partners with talented designers, copywriters, and agencies on their websites, and their client’s sites. I’m passionate about crafting beautiful and innovative WordPress websites focused on clear positioning and positive user experiences. See my work & get my free report, Get Your Website Done: 12 Actionable Steps for Designers.

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