Recipe for Your Newsletter on LinkedIn

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In a recent monthly "Do This" message (which is one of the many perks for everyone who has the Simplest Marketing Plan), I shared this "recipe" for your LinkedIn newsletter.  


Here's what you need to create your own LinkedIn newsletter, whether it's your starter newsletter or you want to expand the reach of your current email newsletter. (And yes, you should do both.)

  1. A LinkedIn profile (in Creator mode)
  2. A clear(ish) idea about who "your people" are
  3. A few ideas about what kind of content your people need to hear or might appreciate

That's it. With all of that ready, here's how you start cooking: 

Step 1: Strategy. What's your content strategy? What's your newsletter strategy? And what's your LinkedIn newsletter strategy?

Step 2: Find 2-3 excellent examples of LinkedIn newsletters from competitors or colleagues. Study them,. Analyze them. Can you tell what their strategy is? 

Step 3: "Mimic the masters" -- do your version of 1 (or 2) of the examples you found. 

Step 4: Draft the prototype of your own, whether it's one of the ones you mimicked or not. 

Step 5: Put the draft into the LinkedIn format and hit send so all of your connections are invited to subscribe. 

This also happens to be the agenda for the next Intensive I'm teaching starting June 7th on how to do your own newsletter on LinkedIn. If you don't want to do yours alone, join us. Details here.

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