Which marketing tools really work?

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You know I can talk all day long about how to find "better clients with bigger budgets."

But what you really need-- what's more effective and more motivating  -- is to hear from creative professionals just like you who are actually doing it -- and it's working.

Marketing is not hard and it's not a mystery when you can see exactly how it works.

And that's the first step toward being able to do it for yourself.

That's why I've invited 6 creative professionals to share exactly how they are following the Simplest Marketing Plan and where their new clients are coming from.

So on July 20 and 21, at The Creative Freelance Summit, I'll be asking each of them 3 questions:

  1. Who's your ideal client and where do you find them?
  2. What's your best marketing tool?
  3. How exactly did you get one client? What did you do?

And you'll see the reality -- not the glossy Photoshopped version of marketing but the reality -- of what it takes and how long it takes.

You'll see for yourself:

  • How in person networking became the best marketing tool for an introverted copywriter-- it's true -- and made him the "go-to" copywriter in his niche.
  • How joining the board of a trade association brought one designer into close proximity to her high quality clients, which landed her a juicy project.
  • Which "call to action" on a photographer's web site get his ideal clients to schedule a call so he can make the sale!

My goal is to show you that you can learn to market your services in a way that is creative, even comfortable and not slimy!

That's what you'll learn at the new virtual Creative Freelance Summit, hosted by HOW Design and curated by me!

This summit is created specifically for self employed creative professionals, from solopreneurs to small agency owners, whether you’re freelancing full time or on the side.

In 2 half days, you’ll learn exactly what you need to have in place to set the foundation for the clients you want and how to connect with them and confidently close the deal. 

You'll also hear from:

  1. Me on "How to Set the Right Mindset for Success."
  2. Pam Foster on you how to pick a niche.
  3. Danielle Hughes on how to build your “personality brand” and stand out in a sea of sameness.
  4. Julie Cortes on how to train yourself, your clients and, if necessary, your family and friends.
  5. Lisa Mullis on how to write scroll-stopping subject lines and headlines that will get attention.
  6. Me again on how to close the deal.

In these 2 days you will learn all you need to know to leave the feast or famine syndrome behind once and for all. 

PLUS if you sign up, you get the 3-month Simplest Marketing Planner as my gift to you. Won't you join us on July 20 and 21st? 

Details and registration: 

See you there!

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